- Custom Honda Click160 2022 លេងហើយ
Motorcycles for Sale, Scooter Plate Number Used 2022 Phnom Penh
- 4 ខែមុន
$ 4,180
A scooter, also known as a motor scooter, is a type of motorcycle with a step-through frame, a seat, and a transmission that shifts without the operator having to use a clutch lever and a platform for the rider’s feet. This means that you can step into them rather than having to climb aboard and swing a leg over.
Design: Scooters typically have a step-through frame and a platform for the rider’s feet. They usually come with an automatic transmission and smaller wheels (10-16 inches).Usage: Ideal for short commutes and city riding due to their ease of parking and maneuverability.
Engine Size: Generally ranges from 50cc to 250cc.
- Honda Forza 350 023 មួយទឹកពីថៃ នៅថ្មីស្អាត
Motorcycles for Sale, Scooter Tax Paper Used 2023 Phnom Penh
- Phnom Penh 2 សប្ដាហ៍មុន
$ 7,500
- Honda ADV150 021 មួយទឹក ស្លាកលេខ
Motorcycles for Sale, Scooter Plate Number Used 2021 Phnom Penh
- Phnom Penh 2 សប្ដាហ៍មុន
$ 3,350
- Honda ADV150 2020 NCX ពណ៌ខ្មៅ មួយទឹកស្លាកលេខ នៅខ្ចីស្អាត
Motorcycles for Sale, Scooter Plate Number Used 2020 Phnom Penh
- 2 ខែមុន
$ 3,150
- Honda ADV 160 NCX សេរី 2023 មួយទឹកស្លាកលេខ នៅស្អាតដូចថ្មី
Motorcycles for Sale, Scooter Plate Number Used 2023 Phnom Penh
- 2 ខែមុន
$ 4,450
- Honda Giorno 125+ 2024 ស្លាកលេខ នៅស្អាតដូចថ្មី
Motorcycles for Sale, Scooter Plate Number Used 2024 Phnom Penh
- Phnom Penh 2 ខែមុន
$ 2,380
- Honda PCX 150 2016 ប្រើសោរ smart key មួយទឹក ស្លាកលេខ
Motorcycles for Sale, Scooter Plate Number Used 2016 Phnom Penh
- Phnom Penh 2 ខែមុន
$ 1,370
- Custom Honda Click 160 022 V2 លេងស្រាប់
Motorcycles for Sale, Scooter Plate Number Used 2022 Phnom Penh
- Phnom Penh 2 ខែមុន
$ 4,180
- Honda PCX 160 2023 មួយទឹកស្លាកលេខ នៅស្អាតដូចថ្មី
Motorcycles for Sale, Scooter Plate Number Used 2023 Phnom Penh
- Phnom Penh 3 ខែមុន
$ 3,190